Sunday, March 14, 2010

Planning Process ( egg project )

Our groups egg contraption didn't hold up, which caused our egg to crack. Though we didn't achieve success with the outcome, I feel like we did a pretty good job of going through the steps of the planning process. The only thing we didn't have was a leader. But everyone in the group gave their input. We were able to visualize our ideas and draw our design. We went through the first phase of planning, which was to define our objective and goals. Our goal was to develop a contraption that was going to secure the egg and allow for a clean landing. As for the 2nd step, which was to determine our resources, we had discussed exactly what we were going to do with the straws and tape as soon as we got them. We didn't want to waste any time. Someone also asked each one of us whether we had any strengths in physics. Which can be used to an advantage. We were also able to come up with a couple of other designs, just in case our initial design became unrealistic. We developed a tactical plan for our initial design. Which was to cut all our straws in half as soon as we got the scissors, in order to multiply the amount we can use to cushion the egg. After we got our resources, we all worked together in creating the contraption. Some cut the tape, another handled the egg, and another the straws. Though we failed our objective, which was to land the egg on the ground safely, our planning process was effective. We all worked well together and we stayed focused on our goal.


  1. Your group sounds very well organized and focused. It is nice seeing that you had everything defined and thought out. I would say your group deserves a 10 out of 10 for your coordination and planning.

  2. I think absence of leader was a big problem for majority teams.

  3. Yeah we did the same thing of not assigning a leader for my group. I thought that was a major mistake because we needed someone to take control after we got the materials because we were all over the place. I thought your group did a great job planning compared to my groups you guys did better. Thanks for sharing

  4. We also didn't think of assigning a leader. Our mistake was that we didn't take regulate our roles in performing this task correctly. But, good job on the egg!

  5. My group also didn't assign a team leader. Our mistake was assigning the roles so not everyone is trying to make the contraption at once.

  6. Carlos, how important was it to you to have a leader? Are you sure there was no leader?

    I know the Question may sound strange, but this is where I'm coming from. First off, my group failed as well, and we did not "choose" a leader, BUT within the first 3 minutes one of us acted as an unofficial leader, and as a result we were able to get a lot of work done. We were not victorious, but we did have a leader.
    so, based on the great job your group did with planning... Are you sure there was no leader?
