Sunday, April 18, 2010

"Power of Vision"

Having a vision for the future is definitely important but you also need to have the drive and ambition to pursue your vision. Also, be able to persevere through any obstacles that may try to veer you off your course. I really liked the example given in the video, "Power of Vision", about the river. The narrator compared the journey to our vision to a river with strong currents. In order to get to our vision, we have to cross that river. The only thing holding us back, is the strong current. Which represents the obstacles that we have to overcome, in order to reach our vision. But like the narrator stated, having a plan is almost like having a rope to guide us across the river. In the future, I envision myself possessing personal attributes that will lead me to success in my personal life and my professional life.

1. Confidence
2. Focus
3. Assertiveness
4. Perseverance
5. Acquire a career in real estate development

These are attributes that I would like to possess or strengthen. I feel that these attributes are very important. I am a shy person. I also tend to be self-conscious, which makes me a bit apprehensive at times. I feel that strengthening my self-confidence and being more assertive will definitely help me become less timid. I also tend to worry a lot about things that aren't even important and shouldn't be stressing over. Being more focused will increase my self-commitment and allow me to drop thoughts that create stress. On the journey to fulfilling my goal, I will definitely encounter obstacles. Perseverance will help me overcome the struggle and keep me on track to reaching my goal. All these attributes are precursors to reaching my ultimate goal upon graduating. Which is to acquire a career in real estate and live a life full of success.


  1. I like your visions. Definitely go for the focus. With focus, you can basically do the rest of your goals. You'll be focused on obtaining the rest of the attributes you have listed, and help you pursue your real estate career. :)

  2. I support you 100% to strengthen your goal of more confidence. I feel like if you have confidence, you can achieve any thing. Good Luck!

  3. I'd say confidence is the most important thing. You can make people follow you only if you are confident (while our ideas may be right or wrong). I think confidence is something all of us need to succeed.

  4. I think confidence is right for #1. Everyone needs to have the belief that they can achieve their visions in order to try and take risks to achieve their goals. Knowing what you need to succeed is not the hard part though. How you go about possessing or strengthening these traits is key. And for that, you would need to take specific actions like perhaps taking on a project at work where all of these characteristics will be tested.

  5. I would support focus the most. I like the idea that you used words that decribe what you would like to be like as oppose to actual visions. I believe that in order to accomplish any goal in life you must first have extreme focus and determination. Focus means actually paying close attention to what you are doing and not letting the outside world distract you. In order to make focus more of an action you could write about it, while writing focusing on exactly what the goal is that you would like to accomplish. I tryly believe your visions are great.

  6. I believe some of the specific goals you chose will help you achieve any vision you have in life. Confidence is something so many people in the world undervalue, however it is an attribute that will help you everyday of your life.

  7. Those seem like some pretty distinct and strong attributes. Just like the video stated, knowing what you want is the first and one of the most important steps. Best luck with it.

  8. I agree that adhering to your five principles will be like "a rope" that will guide you against the currents, or obstacles in your life. Many times we will be faced with difficult decisions, and sometimes, having a guiderail will help you to see the answers clearly. As a person involved with real estate development, you will definitely have to be assertive! That would be a wise trait to focus and improve on.
