Sunday, May 16, 2010


Time needs Management
If Time is of the Essence
Manage to find time

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Communication via Blog

I believe that the blog was very effective in allowing us to share our thoughts and opinions among our classmates. I also consider the blog to be a stress reliever because it gave us an outlet to speak on whatever was on our mind. Whether it was personal or class related. The blog definitely helped boost interaction between the students in the class. Not only were we able to interact during class but we were also able to continue the interaction from home through the blogs. The blog also really helped offset the anxieties that came from exam grades. They were not difficult at all. Primarily, because they were based on our own opinions about our experiences. I would recommend that the blog assignments remain a component of the course because they encourage interaction and allows for students to provide feedback. Which will definitely help improve the course activities.

DISC Profile

I would have to say that I agree with my results from the personal profile system. The test accurately gauged my management orientation. According to the test, conscientiousness was the most intense attribute and second to that was dominance. I believe that the test was accurate. I do feel that I am very conscientious. According to the interpretation, a conscientious person tends to be a very analytical and critical thinker. I do tend to analyze certain things or situations a lot. I tend to focus a lot on key details. Though being conscientious may hinder me from making quick decisions. I believe that it is a strong characteristic because it ensures quality and accuracy. Though I may not make a quick decision, the time I take to analyze pros and cons will help produce a strong and effective decision. But my second strongest characteristic according to the test, was dominance. I think that if you put conscientiousness and dominance together. It makes for a strong mix. Not only do I think analytically and pay attention to detail, I also get immediate results by taking action. I think that those are two strong characteristics. I feel that the personal profile system is helpful in determining a person's profile type. It seemed really accurate when it came to the outcome of my characteristics.