Tuesday, May 11, 2010

DISC Profile

I would have to say that I agree with my results from the personal profile system. The test accurately gauged my management orientation. According to the test, conscientiousness was the most intense attribute and second to that was dominance. I believe that the test was accurate. I do feel that I am very conscientious. According to the interpretation, a conscientious person tends to be a very analytical and critical thinker. I do tend to analyze certain things or situations a lot. I tend to focus a lot on key details. Though being conscientious may hinder me from making quick decisions. I believe that it is a strong characteristic because it ensures quality and accuracy. Though I may not make a quick decision, the time I take to analyze pros and cons will help produce a strong and effective decision. But my second strongest characteristic according to the test, was dominance. I think that if you put conscientiousness and dominance together. It makes for a strong mix. Not only do I think analytically and pay attention to detail, I also get immediate results by taking action. I think that those are two strong characteristics. I feel that the personal profile system is helpful in determining a person's profile type. It seemed really accurate when it came to the outcome of my characteristics.


  1. After working with you on a group activity, I think this result is very accurate. I think you were really diplomatic with all of us even though you were the leader but at the same time you were able to give us directions so everyone's on the right track. You can play both a leader and a manager role depending on the situation. I think that's great!

  2. Hi, I also agree with your results on this personality test, you were extrmely easy to work with and you also listened to everyones ideas. I like the fact that you were calm cool and collective in terms of dictating and listening to everyone's ideas. I think it is important to be a leader but it is also as important to give respect to those you work with and you definitley do that.

  3. This test surely is handy when trying to figure out the overall picture of a person. Of course, it doesn't really define who we are or restrict us from what we want to become but it does reveal what we truly are like. I think your combination of C-D is wonderful. I myself am an S-C and I was hoping more for something like S-I or S-D. I like the steady, relaxed virtues of an S but I also want to be able to take charge and lead, characteristics of an I or a D.

  4. the C-D type definitely decribes about you. you handle the conflit through indirect approaching, good listener, and checking detail to make sure for accuracy. it's comfortable to work with you as a group.

  5. I also think the profile test result fits you well. I find out that you are a very careful person and looks at little details like counting how many blocks were there in the lego activity. You were willing to step up to be the leader shows your dominance. You try to motivate the group as a leader.

  6. I am a C-D too! I saw there were not many of us on the board, about 3-4 people from the whole class. C-Ds are the best:)))
    Analytical thinking and ambitions will definitely bring good results. I guess, you (like me) like everything to be your way, don't like to depend on anyone and like to do anything right from the first time. I can guess it from your blog posts: you did them all on time! very responsible of you!

  7. I think the result from your personal profile test accurately describes you. After working with you during a class activity, I do think that you are a very conscientious person and at the same time an outspoken one.
