Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Communication via Blog

I believe that the blog was very effective in allowing us to share our thoughts and opinions among our classmates. I also consider the blog to be a stress reliever because it gave us an outlet to speak on whatever was on our mind. Whether it was personal or class related. The blog definitely helped boost interaction between the students in the class. Not only were we able to interact during class but we were also able to continue the interaction from home through the blogs. The blog also really helped offset the anxieties that came from exam grades. They were not difficult at all. Primarily, because they were based on our own opinions about our experiences. I would recommend that the blog assignments remain a component of the course because they encourage interaction and allows for students to provide feedback. Which will definitely help improve the course activities.


  1. I couldnt agree with you more about the benefits of the blog. Like you said, the blogs encourage student interactions because we have to comment on people's post and that serves as a way for us students to get to know eachother a little better. In addition, the blog is an easy way to ace 20% of our final class grade. I would also recommend Prof. Kurpis to keep the blog assignments as part of the curriculum.

  2. Well put. The blog was definitely more of a leisurely reflection on the days' activities rather than a grueling, strenuous task. I too recommend the professor to stay with this format as it is both educational and enjoyable.

  3. Definitely reading other students blogs and commenting created an interaction that couldn't be made during class time because people are rushing in and out of the classroom. Learning about how other students think about the same topic I'm writing about gave me more alternative views about the topic.

  4. I agree that the blog was stress reliever:)) Because it felt like people would write their true emotions and thoughts about the class activities; they would write smth that they wouldn't probably tell you in person. Maybe they didn't support the ideas of the emerged leader, or they had a genius creative idea of how to save the egg, but nobody listened to them:)) I really enjoyed the blog! It was great of prof. Kurpis to create is as a part of the class.

  5. Daria, I think it was a positive thing to have an assignment that gives some room to creativity and is not as strict as testing assignments. I did not find the test very illustrative of the knowledge level, but the blog was more in line and helped to get distracted from the tests.
